
When I start Spark  v1.6 (cdh5.8.0) in Yarn client mode I see that 4040
port is avaiable, but UI shows nothing and API returns not full information.

I started Spark application like this:

spark-submit     --master yarn-client     --class

API returns me:


[ {
  "name" : "Spark Pi",
  "attempts" : [ {
    "startTime" : "2016-10-05T11:27:54.558GMT",
    "endTime" : "1969-12-31T23:59:59.999GMT",
    "sparkUser" : "",
    "completed" : false
  } ]
} ]

Where is application id? How I can get more detailed information about
application without this id (I am talking about /applications/[app-id]/jobs,
/applications/[app-id]/stages etc urls from

UI also shows me empty pages.

Without appId we cannot use other REST API calls. Is there any other way to
get RUNNING application ids?

Please help me understand what's going on.

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