I figured out JOB id returned from sparkAppHandle.getAppId(), is unique
ApplicationId which looks like these:

for Local mode Spark env: Local-1477184581895
For Distributed Spark mode: Application_1477504900821_0005

ApplicationId represents the globally unique identifier for an application.

The globally unique nature of the identifier is achieved by using the cluster
timestamp i.e. start-time of the ResourceManager along with a monotonically
increasing counter for the application.

On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 5:18 PM Elkhan Dadashov <elkhan8...@gmail.com>

> I found answer regarding logging in the JavaDoc of SparkLauncher:
> "Currently, all applications are launched as child processes. The child's
> stdout and stderr are merged and written to a logger (see
> <code>java.util.logging</code>)."
> One last question. sparkAppHandle.getAppId() - does this function
> return org.apache.hadoop.mapred.*JobID* which makes it easy tracking in
> Yarn ? Or is appId just the Spark app name we assign ?
> If it is JobID, then even if the SparkLauncher handle goes away, by
> talking directly to the cluster manager, i can get Job details.
> Thanks.
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 4:53 PM Elkhan Dadashov <elkhan8...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Thanks, Marcelo.
> One more question regarding getting logs.
> In previous implementation of SparkLauncer we could read logs from :
> sparkLauncher.getInputStream()
> sparkLauncher.getErrorStream()
> What is the recommended way of getting logs and logging of Spark execution
> while using sparkLauncer#startApplication() ?
> Thanks.
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 3:07 PM Marcelo Vanzin <van...@cloudera.com>
> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Elkhan Dadashov <elkhan8...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Does my map task need to wait until Spark job finishes ?
> No...
> > Or is there any way, my map task finishes after launching Spark job, and
> I
> > can still query and get status of Spark job outside of map task (or
> failure
> > reason, if it has failed) ? (maybe by querying Spark job id ?)
> ...but if the SparkLauncher handle goes away, then you lose the
> ability to track the app's state, unless you talk directly to the
> cluster manager.
> > I guess also if i want my Spark job to be killed, if corresponding
> delegator
> > map task is killed, that means my map task needs to stay alive, so i
> still
> > have SparkAppHandle reference ?
> Correct, unless you talk directly to the cluster manager.
> --
> Marcelo

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