Thanks Denny! That does help. I will give that a shot.

Question: If I am going this route, I am wondering how can I only read few 
columns of a table (not whole table) from JDBC as data frame.
This function from data frame reader does not give an option to read only 
certain columns:
def jdbc(url: String, table: String, predicates: Array[String], 
connectionProperties: Properties): DataFrame

On the other hand if I want to create a JDBCRdd I can specify a select query 
(instead of full table):
new JdbcRDD(sc: SparkContext, getConnection: () ⇒ Connection, sql: String, 
lowerBound: Long, upperBound: Long, numPartitions: Int, mapRow: (ResultSet) ⇒ T 
= JdbcRDD.resultSetToObjectArray)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T])

May be if I do, col2)  on data frame created via a table, will 
spark be smart enough to fetch only two columns not entire table?
Any way to test this?

From: Denny Lee <<>>
Date: Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 10:59 AM
To: "Jain, Nishit" <<>>, 
Subject: Re: How do I convert a data frame to broadcast variable?

If you're able to read the data in as a DataFrame, perhaps you can use a 
BroadcastHashJoin so that way you can join to that table presuming its small 
enough to distributed?  Here's a handy guide on a BroadcastHashJoin:,%20DataFrames%20%26%20Datasets/05%20BroadcastHashJoin%20-%20scala.html


On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 8:53 AM Jain, Nishit 
<<>> wrote:
I have a lookup table in HANA database. I want to create a spark broadcast 
variable for it.
What would be the suggested approach? Should I read it as an data frame and 
convert data frame into broadcast variable?


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