
I have a dataset containing TF-IDF vectors for a corpus of documents. How
do I perform a nearest neighbour search on the dataset, using cosine

  val df = spark.read.option("header", "false").csv("data")

  val tk = new Tokenizer().setInputCol("_c2").setOutputCol("words")

  val tf = new HashingTF().setInputCol("words").setOutputCol("tf")

  val idf = new IDF().setInputCol("tf").setOutputCol("tf-idf")

  val df1 = tf.transform(tk.transform(df))

Thank you

*Meeraj Kunnumpurath*

*Director and Executive PrincipalService Symphony Ltd00 44 7702 693597*

*00 971 50 409 0169mee...@servicesymphony.com <mee...@servicesymphony.com>*

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