You are looking for org.apache.spark.sql.functions.expr()

On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 6:12 PM, Stuart White <>

> I'd like to allow for runtime-configured Column expressions in my
> Spark SQL application.  For example, if my application needs a 5-digit
> zip code, but the file I'm processing contains a 9-digit zip code, I'd
> like to be able to configure my application with the expression
> "substring('zipCode, 0, 5)" to use for the zip code.
> So, I think I'm looking for something like this:
> def parseColumnExpression(colExpr: String) : Column
> I see that SparkSession's sql() method exists to take a string and
> parse it into a DataFrame.  But that's not quite what I want.
> Does a mechanism exist that would allow me to take a string
> representation of a column expression and parse it into an actual
> column expression (something that could be use in a .select() call,
> for example)?
> Thanks!
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