You can run Spark app on Dataproc, which is Google's managed Spark and
Hadoop service:

basically, you:

* assemble a jar
* create a cluster
* submit a job to that cluster (with the jar)
* delete a cluster when the job is done

Before all that, one has to create a Cloud Platform project, enable
billing and Dataproc API - but all this is explained in the docs.


On 4 January 2017 at 17:34, Anahita Talebi <> wrote:
> To whom it might concern,
> I have a question about running a spark code on Google cloud.
> Actually, I have a spark code and would like to run it using multiple
> machines on Google cloud. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a good
> documentation about how to do it.
> Do you have any hints which could help me to solve my problem?
> Have a nice day,
> Anahita

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