i am just getting started with kafka + spark structured streaming. so this
is probably a pretty dumb mistake.

i wrote a little program in spark to read messages from a kafka topic and
display them in the console, using the kafka source and console sink. i run
it it in spark local mode.

i hooked it up to a test topic that i send messages to using the kafka
console producer, and everything works great. i type a message in the
console producer, and it pops up in my spark program. very neat!

next i point it to another topic instead on which a kafka-connect program
is writing lots of irc messages. i can see kafka connect to the topic
successfully, the partitions are discovered etc., and then... nothing. it
just keeps stuck at offsets 0 for all partitions. at the same time in
another terminal i can see messages coming in just fine using the kafka
console consumer.

i dont get it. why doesnt kafka want to consume from this topic in spark
structured streaming?

thanks! koert

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