Hello folks,

I'm trying to work around an issue with some dependencies by trying to
specify at spark-submit time that I want my (user) classpath to be resolved
and taken into account first (against the jars received through the System
Classpath, which is /data/cloudera/parcels/CDH/jars/).

In order to accomplish this, I specify

--conf spark.driver.userClassPathFirst=true
--conf spark.executor.userClassPathFirst=true

and I pass my jars with

--jars <comma-separated list>

in my spark-submit command, deploying in yarn cluster mode in a CDH 5.8
environment (Spark 1.6).

In the list passed with --jars I have severals deps, NOT including
hadoop/spark related ones. My app jar is not a fat (uber) one, thus it
includes only business classes. None of these ones has for any reasons a
"SparkConf.set("master", "local")", or anything like that.

Without specifying the userClassPathFirst configuration, my App is launched
and completed with no issues at all.

I tried to print logs down to the TRACE level with no luck. I get no
explicit errors and I verified adding the "-verbose:class" JVM arg that
Spark-related classes seem to be loaded with no issues. From a rapid
overview of loaded classes, it seems to me that a small fraction of classes
is loaded using userClassPathFirst=true w/r/t the default case. Eventually,
my driver's stderr gets stuck in logging out:

2017-01-30 10:10:22,308 INFO  ApplicationMaster:58 - Waiting for spark
context initialization ...
2017-01-30 10:10:32,310 INFO  ApplicationMaster:58 - Waiting for spark
context initialization ...
2017-01-30 10:10:42,311 INFO  ApplicationMaster:58 - Waiting for spark
context initialization ...

Dramatically, the application is then killed by YARN after a timeout.

In my understanding, quoting the doc (

[image: Inline image 1]

So I would expect the libs given through --jars options to be used first,
but I also expect no issues in loading the system classpath afterwards.
This is confirmed by the logs printed with the "-verbose:class" JVM option,
where I can see logs like:

[Loaded org.apache.spark.SparkContext from

What am I missing here guys?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


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