---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dana Ram Meghwal <dana...@saavn.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 10:40 PM
Subject: Duplicate Rank for within same partitions
To: user-h...@spark.apache.org

Hey Guys,

I am new to spark. I am trying to write a spark script which involves
finding  rank of records over same data partitions-- (I will be clear in
short while )

I have a table which have following column name and example data looks like
this (record are around 20 million for each pair of  date ,hour, language
and item_type)

Id,      language,   date,              hour,  item_type,   score
1        hindi            20170220        00        song            10
2        hindi             20170220        00        song          12
3        hindi              20170220       00         song          15
till 20 million

4       english            20170220       00         song        9
5       english            20170220        00         song        18
6      english             20170220        00          song        12
till 20 million

Now I want to rank them over language, date, hour, item_type

so finally it will look like this

Id,      language,   date,            hour,  item_type,   score   rank
1        hindi            20170220     00        song            10      1
2        hindi             20170220     00            song          12
3        hindi              20170220    00              song          15

4       english            20170220     00          song        9       1
6      english             20170220      00         song        12      2
5       english            20170220       00             song        18

to solve this I use rank function in spark

code look like following

1. converting rdd to dataframe

rdd_with_final_score_df  = spark.read.json(rdd_with_

2. setting window specifications

w = Window.partitionBy("dt","hour","language","item_type","time_

3. calculating ranks by repartition to 1  partition

rdd_with_final_score_df_rank_df = rdd_with_final_score_df.
repartition(1).withColumn('rank', row_number().over(w))

Now number of row in " rdd_with_final_score" is so high  so this RDD is
distributed across machines in cluster.

I am getting result but for each partition I am getting duplicate rank
within partition

for e.g.
Id,      language,   date,            hour,  item_type,   score   rank
1        hindi            20170220     00        song            10      1
2        hindi             20170220     00            song        12      2
3        hindi              20170220    00              song      15       1

here record 1 and record 3 have same rank but it is expected that they
should have different rank or rank should be unique for different score

 is case that each partition of RDD  rank is getting calculated separately
? and then merging because of that that multiple row getting same rank.

It will be very very help for me if you guys can help me understand what is
going on here and how can we solve this.. I thought repartition would work
but it did not..

I try to use rowBetween or rangeBetween but  it was giving error --

pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: u'Window Frame ROWS BETWEEN 1
PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING must match the required frame ROWS BETWEEN


Dana Ram Meghwal
Software Engineer

Dana Ram Meghwal
Software Engineer

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