This depends on your target setup! I run for example for my open source 
libraries for spark integration tests (a dedicated folder a side the unit 
tests) a local spark master, but also use a minidfs cluster (to simulate HDFS 
on a node) and sometimes also a miniyarn cluster (see

 An example can be found here:

or - if you need Scala -

In both cases it is in the integration-tests (Java) or it (Scala) folder.

Spark Streaming - I have no open source example at hand, but basically you need 
to simulate the source and the rest is as above.

 I will eventually write a blog post about this with more details.

> On 7 Mar 2017, at 13:04, kant kodali <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> How to unit test spark streaming or spark in general? How do I test the 
> results of my transformations? Also, more importantly don't we need to spawn 
> master and worker JVM's either in one or multiple nodes?
> Thanks!
> kant

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