
depending on what you're trying to achieve `RDD.toLocalIterator()` might
help you.



2017-03-29 21:00 GMT+02:00 szep.laszlo.it <szep.laszlo...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> after I created a dataset
> Dataset<Row> df = sqlContext.sql("query");
> I need to have a result values and I call a method: collectAsList()
> List<Row> list = df.collectAsList();
> But it's very slow, if I work with large datasets (20-30 million records).
> I
> know, that the result isn't presented in driver app, that's why it takes
> long time, because collectAsList() collect all data from worker nodes.
> But then what is the right way to get result values? Is there an other
> solution to iterate over a result dataset rows, or get values? Can anyone
> post a small & working example?
> Thanks & Regards,
> Laszlo Szep

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