So 14 people have said they are available on Tuesday the 25th at 1PM
pacific so we will do this meeting then ( ).

Since hangouts tends to work ok on the Linux distro I'm running my default
is to host this as a "hangouts-on-air" unless there are alternative ideas.

I'll record the hangout and if it isn't terrible I'll post it for those who
weren't able to make it (and for next time I'll include more European
friendly time options - Doodle wouldn't let me update it once posted).

On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Holden Karau <> wrote:

> Hi Spark Users (+ Some Spark Testing Devs on BCC),
> Awhile back on one of the many threads about testing in Spark there was
> some interest in having a chat about the state of Spark testing and what
> people want/need.
> So if you are interested in joining an online (with maybe an IRL component
> if enough people are SF based) chat about Spark testing please fill out
> this doodle -
> I think reasonable topics of discussion could be:
> 1) What is the state of the different Spark testing libraries in the
> different core (Scala, Python, R, Java) and extended languages (C#,
> Javascript, etc.)?
> 2) How do we make these more easily discovered by users?
> 3) What are people looking for in their testing libraries that we are
> missing? (can be functionality, documentation, etc.)
> 4) Are there any examples of well tested open source Spark projects and
> where are they?
> If you have other topics that's awesome.
> To clarify this about libraries and best practices for people testing
> their Spark applications, and less about testing Spark's internals
> (although as illustrated by some of the libraries there is some strong
> overlap in what is required to make that work).
> Cheers,
> Holden :)
> --
> Cell : 425-233-8271 <(425)%20233-8271>
> Twitter:

Cell : 425-233-8271

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