Hi Gerard,

Each query has its own distinct query plan and tracks offsets independently 
from other queries. Also, each query will generate a dynamic group id to ensure 
it gets all events and appears as a new consumer from Kafka’s perspective, 
that’s done internally to the Kafka source. That’s why there’s no option for 
group id as there was with DStreams.



From: Gerard Maas <gerard.m...@gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 9:50 AM
To: "Shixiong(Ryan) Zhu" <shixi...@databricks.com>
Cc: Rick Moritz <rah...@gmail.com>, user <user@spark.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [StructuredStreaming] multiple queries of the socket source: only 
one query works.

Hi Shixiong,

Thanks for the explanation.

In my view, this is different from the intuitive understanding of the 
Structured Streaming model [1], where incoming data is appended to an 
'unbounded table' and queries are run on that. I had expected that all queries 
would run on that 'unbounded table view', while I understand from your 
explanation that every query maintains its own 'unbounded table' view of the 
data stream. Is that correct?

How is that working in the case of Kafka? We have only one declared consumer, 
so we should observe a similar behavior. Yet, the Kafka source is able to 
deliver multiple output queries.
What is the difference?
Where could I learn more about the internal structured streaming model?

kind regards, Gerard.


On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 1:22 AM, Shixiong(Ryan) Zhu 
<shixi...@databricks.com<mailto:shixi...@databricks.com>> wrote:
Spark creates one connection for each query. The behavior you observed is 
because how "nc -lk" works. If you use `netstat` to check the tcp connections, 
you will see there are two connections when starting two queries. However, "nc" 
forwards the input to only one connection.

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 10:59 PM, Rick Moritz 
<rah...@gmail.com<mailto:rah...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Gerard, hi List,

I think what this would entail is for Source.commit to change its 
funcationality. You would need to track all streams' offsets there. Especially 
in the socket source, you already have a cache (haven't looked at Kafka's 
implementation to closely yet), so that shouldn't be the issue, if at 
start-time all streams subscribed to a source are known.
What I worry about is, that this may need an API-change, to pass a stream-ID 
into commit. Since different streams can use different Triggers, you can have 
any number of unforeseeable results, when multiple threads call commit.

I'll look into that, since I am in the progress of building a TwitterSource 
based on the socket source's general functionality, and due to the API 
restrictions there, it's even more important for multiple streams using one 

What I did observe was that every query did initialize a separate source. This 
won't work so well with socket, since the socket is in use, once you try to set 
up a second one. It also won't work so well with Twitter, since usually an API 
key is limited in how often it can be used somultaneously (likely at 2).

An alternative to the socket source issue would be to open a new free socket, 
but then the user has to figure out where the source is listening.

I second Gerard's request for additional information, and confirmation of my 



On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Gerard Maas 
<gerard.m...@gmail.com<mailto:gerard.m...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I've been investigating this SO question: 

TL;DR: when using the Socket source, trying to create multiple queries does not 
work properly, only one the first query in the start order will receive data.

This minimal example reproduces the issue:

val lines = spark
    .option("host", "localhost")
    .option("port", "9999")
    .option("includeTimestamp", true)

val q1 = lines.writeStream

val q2 = lines.withColumn("foo", lit("foo")).writeStream

Sample output (spark shell):

Batch: 0
|value|          timestamp|
|  aaa|2017-08-11 23:37:59|

Batch: 1
|value|          timestamp|
|  aaa|2017-08-11 23:38:00|


scala> -------------------------------------------
Batch: 0
|value|          timestamp|foo|
|    b|2017-08-11 23:38:19|foo|

Batch: 1
|value|          timestamp|foo|
|    b|2017-08-11 23:38:19|foo|

This is certainly unexpected behavior. Even though the socket source is marked 
"not for production" I wouldn't expect to be so limited.

Am I right to think that the first running query consumes all the data in the 
source, and therefore all the other queries do not work (until the previous 
ones are stopped)?

Is this a generalized behavior? e.g. each query started on a structured 
streaming job fully consumes the source? e.g. the Kafka source can be used with 
multiple queries because it can be replayed?

As a workaround, would there be a way to cache the incoming data to multiplex 
it? We cannot call `cache` a streaming dataset, but is there a maybe way to do 

Could I have more details on the execution model (I've consumed all I could 
find) and what are the (near) future plans?



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