Can you provide a code sample please?

On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 5:44 PM, Matthew Anthony <> wrote:

> Hi all -
> since upgrading to 2.2.0, we've noticed a significant increase in
> read.parquet(...) ops. The parquet files are being read from S3. Upon entry
> at the interactive terminal (pyspark in this case), the terminal will sit
> "idle" for several minutes (as many as 10) before returning:
> "17/09/08 15:34:37 WARN SharedInMemoryCache: Evicting cached table
> partition metadata from memory due to size constraints
> (spark.sql.hive.filesourcePartitionFileCacheSize = 2000000000 bytes).
> This may impact query planning performance."
> In the spark UI, there are no jobs being run during this idle period.
> Subsequently, a short 1-task job lasting approximately 10 seconds runs, and
> then another idle time of roughly 2-3 minutes follows thereafter before
> returning to the terminal/CLI.
> Can someone explain what is happening here in the background? Is there a
> misconfiguration we should be looking for? We are using Hive metastore on
> the EMR cluster.
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