Are you sure the code is correct? A Dataset does not have a method
"trigger". Rather I believe the correct code should be

StreamingQuery query = resultDataSet*.writeStream.*trigger(

You can do all the same things you can do with Structured Streaming as
DStreams. For example, there is foreach in Structured Streaming. E.g.

When you say mapPartitions code is not getting executed. ... are you sure
the query is running? Maybe actual code (not pseudocode) may help debug

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 11:20 AM, kant kodali <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to read data from kafka, insert into Mongo and read from mongo
> and insert back into Kafka. I went with structured stream approach first
> however I believe I am making some naiver error because my map operations
> are not getting invoked.
> The pseudo code looks like this
> DataSet<String> resultDataSet = jsonDataset.mapPartitions(
> insertIntoMongo).mapPartitions(readFromMongo);
> StreamingQuery query = resultDataSet.trigger(ProcesingTime(1000)).format("
> kafka").start();
> query.awaitTermination();
> The mapPartitions in this code is not getting executed. Is this because I
> am not calling any action on my streaming dataset? In the Dstream case, I
> used to call forEachRDD and it worked well. so how do I do this using
> structured streaming?
> Thanks!

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