
We have a spark application to parse log files and save to S3 in ORC
format. However, during the foreachRDD operation we need to extract a date
field to be able to determine the bucket location; we partition it by date.
Currently, we just hardcode it by current date, but we have a requirement
to determine it for each record.

Here's the current code.

    jsonRows.foreachRDD(r => {
      val parsedFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd/")
      val parsedDate = parsedFormat.format(new java.util.Date())
      val OutputPath = destinationBucket + "/parsed_logs/orc/dt=" +

      val jsonDf = sqlSession.read.schema(Schema.schema).json(r)

      val writer =
jsonDf.write.mode("append").format("orc").option("compression", "zlib")

      if (environment.equals("local")) {
      } else {

The column in jsonRow that we want is `_ts`.


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