This would be interesting and a good addition I think.

It bears some thought about the API though. One approach is to have an
"inverseTransform" method similar to sklearn.

The other approach is to "formalize" something like StringIndexerModel ->
IndexToString. Here, the inverse transformer is a standalone transformer.
It could be returned from a "getInverseTransformer" method, for example.

The former approach is simpler, but cannot be used in pipelines (which work
on "fit" / "transform"). The latter approach is more cumbersome, but fits
better into pipelines.

So it depends on the use cases - i.e. how common is it to use the inverse
transform function within a pipeline (for StringIndexer <-> IndexToString
it is quite common to get back the labels, while for other transformers it
may or may not be).

On Mon, 8 Jan 2018 at 11:10 Tomasz Dudek <>

> Hello,
> since the similar question on StackOverflow remains unanswered (
> ) and perhaps there is a solution that I am not aware of, I'll ask:
> After traning MinMaxScaler(or similar scaler) is there any built-in way to
> revert the process? What I mean is to transform the scaled data back to its
> original form. SKlearn has a dedicated method inverse_transform that does
> exactly that.
> I can, of course, get the originalMin/originalMax Vectors from the
> MinMaxScalerModel and then map the values myself but it would be nice to
> have it built-in.
> Yours,
> Tomasz

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