I don’t think sql context is “deprecated” in this sense. It’s still accessible 
by earlier versions of Spark.

But yes, at first glance it looks like you are correct. I don’t see a 
recordWriter method for parquet outside of the SQL package.

Here is an example that uses Sql context.  I believe the SQL context  is 
necessary for strongly typed, self describing, binary, columnar formatted files 
like Parquet.

Otherwise you’ll probably be looking at a customWriter.


If you were to implement a custom writer, you still wouldn’t escape the parquet 
formatting paradigm the DF API solves. Spark needs a way to map data types for 
Parquet conversion.

Hope this helps,


On 2/28/18, 11:09 AM, "karthikus" <aswin8...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi all,
    I have a Kafka stream data and I need to save the data in parquet format
    without using Structured Streaming (due to the lack of Kafka Message header
    val kafkaStream =
            ConsumerStrategies.Subscribe[String, String](
        // process the messages
        val messages = kafkaStream.map(record => (record.key, record.value))
        val lines = messages.map(_._2)
    Now, how do I save it as parquet ? All the examples that I have come across
    uses SQLContext which is deprecated. ! Any help appreciated ! 
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