
*Info (Using):Spark Streaming Kafka 0.8 package*

*Spark 2.2.1*
*Kafka 1.0.1*

As of now, I am feeding paragraphs in Kafka console producer and my Spark,
which is acting as a receiver is printing the flattened words, which is a
complete RDD operation.

*My motive is to read two tables continuously (being updated) as two
distinct Kafka topics being read as two Spark Dataframes and join them
based on a key and produce the output. *(I am from Spark-SQL background,
pardon my Spark-SQL-ish writing)

*It may happen, the first topic is receiving new data 15 mins prior to the
second topic, in that scenario, how to proceed? I should not lose any data.*

As of now, I want to simply pass paragraphs, read them as RDD, convert to
DF and then join to get the common keys as the output. (Just for R&D).

Started using Spark Streaming and Kafka today itself.

Please help!


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