I have a dataframe and execute  df.groupBy(³xyzy²).agg( collect_list(³abc²)

This produces a column of type array. Now for each row I want to create a
multiple pairs/tuples from the array so that I can create a contingency
table.  Any idea how I can transform my data so that call crosstab() ? The
join transformation operate on the entire dataframe. I need something at the
row array level?

Bellow is some sample python and describes what I would like my results to

Kind regards


c1 = ["john", "bill", "sam"]
c2 = [['red', 'blue', 'red'], ['blue', 'red'], ['green']]
p = pd.DataFrame({"a":c1, "b":c2})

df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(p)

 |-- a: string (nullable = true)
 |-- b: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)

|   a|               b|
|john|[red, blue, red]|
|bill   |     [blue, red]|
| sam|         [green]|

The output I am trying to create is. I could live with a crossJoin
(cartesian join) and add my own filtering if it makes the problem easier?

|  x1|    x2|
red  | blue
red  | red
blue | red

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