
I'm working with Structured Streaming, and I need a method of keeping a running 
average based on last 24hours of data.
To help with this, I can use Exponential Smoothing, which means I really only 
need to store 1 value from a previous calculation into the new, and update this 
variable as calculations carry on.

Implementing this is a much bigger challenge then I ever imagined.

I've tried using Accumulators and to Query/Store data to Cassandra after every 
calculation. Both methods worked somewhat locally , but I don't seem to be able 
to use these in the Spark Worker Nodes,  as I get the error
"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class error" both for the 
accumulator and the cassandra connection libary

How can you read/update a variable while doing calculations using Structured 

Thank you

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