I'm consuming data from Kafka with  createDirectStream and store the
offsets in Kafka (

val stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](
  Subscribe[String, String](topics, kafkaParams))

My Spark version is 2.0.2 and 0.10 from Kafka. This solution works well and
when I restart the spark process starts from the last offset which Spark
consumes, but sometimes I need to reprocess all the topic from the

I have seen that I could reset the offset with a kafka script but it's not
enable in Kafka 0.10...

kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server kafka-host:9092 --group
my-group --reset-offsets --to-earliest --all-topics --execute

Another possibility it's to set another kafka parameter in the
createDirectStream with a map with the offsets but, how could I get first
offset from each partition?, I have checked the api from the new consumer
and I don't see any method to get these offsets.

Any other way?? I could start with another groupId as well, but it doesn't
seem a very clean option for production.

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