I am very new to Spark. Just successfully setup Spark SQL connecting to 
postgresql database, and am able to display table with code

    sparkSession.sql("SELECT id, url from table_a where col_b <> '' ").show()

Now I want to perform filter and map function on col_b value. In plain scala it 
would be something like

    Seq((1, "http://a.com/a";), (2, "http://b.com/b";), (3, "unknown")).filter { 
case (_, url) => isValid(url) }.map { case (id, url)  => (id, pathOf(url)) }

where filter will remove invalid url, and then map (id, url) to (id, path of 

However, when applying this concept to spark sql with code snippet


Compiler complains type mismatch because $"url" is ColumnName type. How can I 
extract column value i.e. http://... for the column url in order to perform 
filter function?


Java 1.8.0
Scala 2.11.8
Spark 2.1.0

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