Cannot reproduce your situation.
Can you share Spark version?

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Using Scala version 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_92)
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scala> spark.sql("select hash('40514XXXXX'),hash('41751XXXX')").show()
|     -1898845883|      916273350|

scala> spark.sql("select hash('14589'),hash('40004XXXX')").show()
|  777096871|    -1593820563|


From: Gokula Krishnan D <>
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 8:57 PM
To: user <>
Subject: [Spark SQL] why spark sql hash() are returns the same hash value 
though the keys/expr are not same

Hello All,

I am calculating the hash value  of few columns and determining whether its an 
Insert/Delete/Update Record but found a scenario which is little weird since 
some of the records returns same hash value though the key's are totally 

For the instance,

scala> spark.sql("select hash('40514XXXXX'),hash('41751XXXX')").show()




|      976573657|      976573657|


scala> spark.sql("select hash('14589'),hash('40004XXXX')").show()




|  777096871|      777096871|

I do understand that hash() returns an integer, are these reached the max 

Thanks & Regards,
Gokula Krishnan (Gokul)

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