
I write a stream of (String, String) tuples to HDFS partitioned by the
first ("_1") member of the pair.

Everything looks great when I list the directory via "hadoop fs -ls ...".

However, when I try to read all the data as a single dataframe, I get
unexpected results (see below).

I notice that if I remove the metadata directory as so:

$ hadoop fs *-rmr*  hdfs://---/MY_DIRECTORY/_spark_metadata

then I can load all the data in the directory as a single Parquet file as
desired with:

scala> *spark.read.parquet("hdfs://---/** MY_DIRECTORY/").show()*
2019-01-09 08:34:45 WARN  SharedInMemoryCache:66 - Evicting cached table
partition metadata from memory due to size constraints
(spark.sql.hive.filesourcePartitionFileCacheSize = 262144000 bytes). This
may impact query planning performance.
|                  _2|          _1|

But I'm not sure I can stream without _spark_metadata and it makes me
nervous to delete it. Can anybody advise?

I'm using Spark 2.4.0, Hadoop 2.7.3.




If I don't delete _spark_metadata then these are the errors I am getting:

scala> *spark.read.parquet("hdfs://---/MY_DIRECTORY")*.show()
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Unable to infer schema for Parquet
at . It must be specified manually;

So, explicitly adding a schema gives:

scala> spark.read.*schema(StructType(Seq(StructField("_1",StringType,false),
| _1| _2|

Well, that's not what I am expecting as I can see lots of data in that
directory. In fact, I can do read the subdirectories of MY_DIRECTORY:

cala> spark.read.schema(StructType(Seq(StructField("_1",StringType,false),
StructField("_2",StringType,true)))).parque ("hdfs://---/MY_DIRECTORY/
|  _1|                  _2|

which is not quite correct as the _1 field is null, but the _2 is indeed my

If I try to avoid _spark_metadata by using a wild star _1=*, I get:

scala> spark.read.schema(StructType(Seq(StructField("_1",StringType,false),
StructField("_2",StringType,true)))).parquet(" hdfs://---/MY_DIRECTORY/
|  _1|                  _2|

OK, that's all the data (not just a subdirectory) but _1 is always null.

Or, without the explicit schema:

scala> spark.read.parquet("hdfs://---/ MY_DIRECTORY/_1=*").show()
|                  _2|

Again, all the data but no _1 field.

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