Hi all,

I want to re-send the previous SPIP on introducing a DataFrame-based graph
component to collect more feedback. It supports property graphs, Cypher
graph queries, and graph algorithms built on top of the DataFrame API. If
you are a GraphX user or your workload is essentially graph queries, please
help review and check how it fits into your use cases. Your feedback would
be greatly appreciated!

# Links to SPIP and design sketch:

* Jira issue for the SPIP: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-25994
* Google Doc:
* Jira issue for a first design sketch:
* Google Doc:

# Sample code:

val graph = ...

// query
val result = graph.cypher("""
  MATCH (p:Person)-[r:STUDY_AT]->(u:University)
  RETURN p.name, r.since, u.name

// algorithms
val ranks = graph.pageRank.run()


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