You could set the env var   SPARK_PRINT_LAUNCH_COMMAND and spark-submit
will print it, but it will be printed by the subprocess and not yours
unless you redirect the stdout
Also the command is what spark-submit generates, so it is quite more
verbose and includes the classpath etc.

I think the only alternative if the above is not enough is to get hold of
the builder - you might need to extend the launcher and push it on the same
package since

On Wed, 24 Apr 2019 at 21:55, Jeff Evans <>

> The org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher is used to construct a
> spark-submit invocation programmatically, via a builder pattern.  In
> our application, which uses a SparkLauncher internally, I would like
> to log the full spark-submit command that it will invoke to our log
> file, in order to aid in debugging/support.  However, I can't figure
> out a way to do this.  This snippet would work, except for the fact
> that the createBuilder method is private.
> sparkLauncher.createBuilder().command()
> Is there an alternate way of doing this?  The Spark version is
> 2.11:2.4.0.  Thanks.
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