Hi Jürgen,

Did you ever find a way to resolve this issue ?

Looking at the implementation of the application master, it seems that there
is no heartbeat/keepalive mechanism for the communication between the driver
and AM, so when something closes the connection for inactivity, the AM shuts

Jürgen Thomann wrote
> Hi,
> I'm using the Spark Thrift Server and after some time the driver and 
> application master are shutting down because of timeouts. There is a
> firewall 
> in between and there is no traffic between them as it seems. Is there a
> way to 
> configure TCP keep alive for the connection or some other way to make the 
> firewall happy?
> Environment:
> CentOS 7, HDP 2.6.5 with Spark 2.3.0
> The Error on the driver is "ERROR YarnClientSchedulerBackend: Yarn
> application 
> has already exited with state finished" and a bit later there are some 
> Exceptions with ClosedChannelException.
> The application master has the following message:
> WARN TransportChannelHandler: Exception in connection from 
> <driver Host>
> java.io.IOException: Connection timed out
> ... Stacktrace omitted
> The messages are at the same time (same second, sadly no milliseconds in
> the 
> logs).
> Thanks,
> Jürgen
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