>From this paragraph it appears the answer to your query is YES.

page 334 Spark the definitive guide states :

"Stream processing is the act of *continuously incorporating new data* to
compute a result. In stream processing,
the input data is *unbounded *and has *no predetermined beginning  or end*.
It simply forms a series of events that arrive at the stream processing
system (e.g. credit card transactions, clicks on a website , or sensor
readings ..)
User applications can then compute various queries over this stream of
events (e..g. tracking a running count of each type of event or aggregating
them into in hourly windows). The application will output multiple versions
of the results as it runs or perhaps keep it up to date in an  external
"sink" system such as a key-value store"

♡۶Java♡۶RMI ♡۶
Make Use Method {MUM}

On Sun, 1 Mar 2020 at 08:16, nimrod <nimrod.o...@3dsignals.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a stream with a list of values and I want to count consecutive
> values
> a period of 1 minute (even if it is across samples). Can it be done at all?
> Nimrod
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