
I've hit a wall with trying to implement a couple of Scala methods in a
Python version of our project. I've implemented a number of these
already, but I'm getting hung up with this one.

My Python function looks like this:

def Write_Graphml(data, graphml_path, sc):
    return sc.getOrCreate()._jvm.io.archivesunleashed.app.WriteGraphML(data,

Where data is a DataFrame that has been collected; data.collect().

On the Scala side is it basically:

object WriteGraphML {
  apply(data: Array[Row], graphmlPath: String): Boolean = {
    massages an Array[Row] into GraphML

When I try to use it in PySpark, I end up getting this error message:

Py4JError: An error occurred while calling
None.io.archivesunleashed.app.WriteGraphML. Trace:
py4j.Py4JException: Constructor
io.archivesunleashed.app.WriteGraphML([class java.util.ArrayList, class
java.lang.String]) does not exist
        at py4j.Gateway.invoke(Gateway.java:237)
        at py4j.commands.ConstructorCommand.execute(ConstructorCommand.java:69)
        at py4j.GatewayConnection.run(GatewayConnection.java:238)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

I originally dug into what the error message stated, and tried a variety
of tweaks such as:


And, went as far as trying get_attr, and calling the "WriteGraphML$" and
few other varieties with that method.

All the results produced the same variety of error message above; that
the Constructor or method does not exist.

I came across this[1] Based on lots of Googling and Stack Overflow
searches, and it has me thinking that the problem is because of how Py4J
is passing off the Python List (data) to the JVM, and then passing it to
Scala. It's ending up as an ArrayList instead of an Array[Row].

Do I need to tweak data before it is passed to Write_Graphml? Or am I
doing something else wrong here.

I had originally posted a version of this message to the dev list, and
Sean Owen suggested WriteGraphML should be a implemented as a class, not
an object. Is that the right path? I have a number of other Scala
functions implemented in the PySpark side of our project that are
objects, and everything works fine.

...and is there a best practices guide or documentation for implementing
Scala functions in PySpark? I've found a number of blog posts that have
been helpful.

Thanks in advance for any help!




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