Spark provides multiple options for caching (including disk). Have you
tried caching to disk ?

On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 11:41 PM Lalwani, Jayesh
<> wrote:

> I was caching it because I didn't want to re-execute the DAG when I ran
> the count query. If you have a spark application with multiple actions,
> Spark reexecutes the entire DAG for each action unless there is a cache in
> between. I was trying to avoid reloading 1/2 a terabyte of data.  Also,
> cache should use up executor memory, not driver memory.
> As it turns out cache was the problem. I didn't expect cache to take
> Executor memory and spill over to disk. I don't know why it's taking driver
> memory. The input data has millions of partitions which results in millions
> of tasks. Perhaps the high memory usage is a side effect of caching the
> results of lots of tasks.
> On 10/19/20, 1:27 PM, "Nicolas Paris" <> wrote:
>     CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
> not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and
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>     > Before I write the data frame to parquet, I do df.cache. After
> writing
>     > the file out, I do df.countDistinct(“a”, “b”, “c”).collect()
>     if you write the df to parquet, why would you also cache it ? caching
> by
>     default loads the memory. this might affect  later use, such
>     collect. the resulting GC can be explained by both caching and collect
>     Lalwani, Jayesh <> writes:
>     > I have a Dataframe with around 6 billion rows, and about 20 columns.
> First of all, I want to write this dataframe out to parquet. The, Out of
> the 20 columns, I have 3 columns of interest, and I want to find how many
> distinct values of the columns are there in the file. I don’t need the
> actual distinct values. I just need the count. I knoe that there are around
> 10-16million distinct values
>     >
>     > Before I write the data frame to parquet, I do df.cache. After
> writing the file out, I do df.countDistinct(“a”, “b”, “c”).collect()
>     >
>     > When I run this, I see that the memory usage on my driver steadily
> increases until it starts getting future time outs. I guess it’s spending
> time in GC. Does countDistinct cause this behavior? Does Spark try to get
> all 10 million distinct values into the driver? Is countDistinct not
> recommended for data frames with large number of distinct values?
>     >
>     > What’s the solution? Should I use approx._count_distinct?
>     --
>     nicolas paris
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