Assuming you were using hadoop for your yarn cluster.  You can specify the spark parameters spark.yarn.archive or spark.yarn.jars to contain the jar directory or jar files so that hadoop can find them by default.  See Spark online doc for details ( For instance:

spark.yarn.archive              hdfs:///spark-3/jars

Please note that you will have to use the hadoop copy command to copy your jars to the HDFS before executing spark-submit (this part wasn't clear for a lot of non-hadoop users).  You may also want to load ALL spark jars to that directory in advance to speed up the launch process. You may want to contact your Hadoop admin for help.

-- ND

On 11/14/20 7:25 AM, Pedro Cardoso wrote:

I am submitting a spark application on spark yarn using the cluster execution mode. The application itself depends on a couple of jars. I can successfully submit and run the application using spark-submit --jars option as seen below: |spark-submit \ --name Yarn-App \ --class <FQN.Class> \ --properties-file conf/ \ --jars lib/<first.jar>,lib/<second.jar>,lib/<third.jar> \ <application.jar> > log/yarn-app.txt 2>&1|

With the being something like:
|# Spark submit config which used in conjunction with yarn cluster mode of execution to not block spark-submit command # for application completion. spark.yarn.submit.waitAppCompletion=false spark.submit.deployMode=cluster spark.master=yarn ## General Spark Application properties spark.driver.cores=2 spark.driver.memory=4G spark.executor.memory=5G spark.executor.cores=2 spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Xms2G spark.driver.extraClassPath=<first.jar>:<second.jar>:<third.jar> spark.executor.heartbeatInterval=30s spark.shuffle.service.enabled=true spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled: True spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors: 1 spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors: 100 spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors: 10 spark.kryo.referenceTracking=false spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=1G spark.ui.showConsoleProgress=true spark.yarn.archive=<HDFS path to spark-only jars> spark.yarn.historyServer.address=<url to history server>|

However, I would like to have everyting specified in the properties file to simplify the work of my team and not force them to specify the jars every time. So my question is what is the that replaces the spark-submit *--jars* parameter such that I can specify everything in properties file?

I've tried creating a tar.gz with the contents of the archive specified in /spark.yarn.archive + /the extra 3 jars that I need, upload that to HDFS and change the archive property but it did not work. I got class not defined exceptions on classes that come from the 3 extra jars.

If it helps, the jars are only required for the driver not the executors. They will simply perform spark-only operations.

Thank you and have good weekend.


*Pedro Cardoso*

*Research Engineer* <>

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