What happened was that you made the mysql jar file only available to the spark driver, not the executors.  Use the --jars parameter instead of driver-class-path to specify your third-party jar files, or copy the third-party jar files to the jars directory for Spark in your HDFS, and specify the path of HDFS using --archives in spark-submit.

-- ND

On 12/10/20 10:02 AM, ismail elhammoud wrote:

Guys I have an issue with mysql connector java, even if I declared it in sbt file It couldn't work if I don't give the whole path

spark-submit --master yarn --driver-class-path /home/node2/Téléchargements/mysql-connector-java-5.1.24-bin.jar ./Sdatahub-assembly-0.1.jar


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