I am currently building a spark structured streaming application where I am
doing a batch-stream join. And the source for the batch data gets updated

So, I am planning to do a persist/unpersist of that batch data periodically.

Below is a sample code which I am using to persist and unpersist the batch

Flow: -> Read the batch data -> persist the batch data -> For every one
hour, unpersist the data and read the batch data and persist it again.

But, I am not seeing the batch data getting refreshed for every hour.


var batchDF = handler.readBatchDF(sparkSession)
var refreshedTime: Instant = Instant.now()

if (Duration.between(refreshedTime, Instant.now()).getSeconds > refreshTime)
  refreshedTime = Instant.now()
  batchDF =  handler.readBatchDF(sparkSession)
Is there any better way to achieve this scenario in spark structured
streaming jobs ?

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