Are you sure about the worker mem configuration? what are you setting
--memory too and what does the worker UI think its memory allocation is?

On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 4:08 AM Mohamadreza Rostami <> wrote:

> I see a bug in executer memory allocation in the standalone cluster, but I
> can't find which part of the spark code causes this problem. That why's I
> decided to raise this issue here.
> Assume you have 3 workers with 10 CPU cores and 10 Gigabyte memories.
> Assume also you have 2 spark jobs that run on this cluster of workers, and
> these jobs configs set as below:
> -----------------
> job-1:
> executer-memory: 5g
> executer-CPU: 4
> max-cores: 8
> ------------------
> job-2:
> executer-memory: 6g
> executer-CPU: 4
> max-cores: 8
> ------------------
> In this situation, We expect that if we submit both of these jobs, the
> first job that submits get  2 executers which each of them has 4 CPU core
> and 5g memory, and the second job gets only one executer on thirds worker
> who has 4 CPU core and 6g memory because worker 1 and worker 2 doesn't have
> enough memory to accept the second job. But surprisingly, we see that one
> of the first or second workers creates an executor for job-2, and the
> worker's consuming memory goes beyond what's allocated to that and gets 11g
> memory from the operating system.
> Is this behavior normal? I think this can cause some undefined behavior
> problem in the cluster.
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