Are you sure it's on the driver? or just 1 executor?
how many partitions does the groupByKey produce? that would limit your
parallelism no matter what if it's a small number.

On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 8:07 PM Tom Barber <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Hopefully someone with more Spark experience than me can explain this a
> bit.
> I dont' know if this is possible, impossible or just an old design that
> could be better.
> I'm running Sparkler as a spark-submit job on a databricks spark cluster
> and its getting to this point in the code(
> )
> val fetchedRdd = => (r.getGroup, r))
>         .groupByKey()
>         .flatMap({ case (grp, rs) => new FairFetcher(job, rs.iterator,
> localFetchDelay,
>           FetchFunction, ParseFunction, OutLinkFilterFunction,
> StatusUpdateSolrTransformer) })
>         .persist()
> This basically takes the RDD and then runs a web based crawl over each RDD
> and returns the results. But when Spark executes it, it runs all the crawls
> on the driver node and doesn't distribute them.
> The key is pretty static in these tests, so I have also tried forcing the
> partition count (50 on a 16 core per node cluster) and also repartitioning,
> but every time all the jobs are scheduled to run on one node.
> What can I do better to distribute the tasks? Because the processing of
> the data in the RDD isn't the bottleneck, the fetching of the crawl data is
> the bottleneck, but that happens after the code has been assigned to a node.
> Thanks
> Tom
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