Sorry if this has been answered, but I had a question about bucketed joins
that I can't seem to find the answer to online.

   - I have a bunch of pyspark data frames (let's call them df1, df2,
   ...df10). I need to join them all together using the same key.
   - joined = df1.join(df2, "key", "full")
      - joined = joined.join(df3, "key", "full")
      - joined = joined.join(df4, "key", "full")
      - ...
   - I saw bucketed joins can help in this situation, but when I try to do
   it, I only get a bucket edjoin on the first join, and then I have to
   re-create a bucket table of joined results after each join otherwise I
   don't get a bucket join. This process of re-creating the joined table only
   slows the join down and I don't see any performance gain.
   - Doesn't work: (pseudo code)
         - df1.write-bucketed() ; t1 = spark.table("df1")
         - df2.write-bucketed() ; t2 = spark.table("df2")
         - df3.write-bucketed() ; t3 = spark.table("df3")
         - joined = t1.join(t2, "key", "full")
         - joined = joined.join(t3, "key", "full")
      - Works but is slow:  (pseudo code)
         - df1.write-bucketed() ; t1 = spark.table("df1")
         - df2.write-bucketed() ; t2 = spark.table("df2")
         - df3.write-bucketed() ; t3 = spark.table("df3")
         - joined = t1.join(t2, "key", "full")
         - joined.write-bucketed() ; joined = spark.table("joined")
         - joined = joined.join(t3, "key", "full")

I'm wondering if there is a way to get performance gains here, either by
using bucketing or some other way.
Also courions if this isn't what bucket joins are for, what are they
actually for.


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