The only example I saw in the Spark distribution was ExampleJdbcConnectionProvider file in the examples directory.  It basically just wraps the abstract class with overriding methods.  I guess my question was since Spark embeds the JDBC APIs in the DataFrame reader and writer, why such provider API is still needed? Is there any use cases for using the provider API instead of the dataframe reader/writer when dealing with JDBC?  Thanks!

On 1/6/22 9:09 AM, Sean Owen wrote:
There are 8 concrete implementations of it? OracleConnectionProvider, etc

On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 9:26 PM Artemis User <> wrote:

    Could someone provide some insight/examples on the usage of this API?

    Why is it needed since this is an abstract class and there isn't any
    concrete implementation of it?   Thanks a lot in advance.

    -- ND

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