I have a pyspark job submitted through spark-submit that does some heavy 
processing for 1 day of data. It runs with no errors. I have to loop over many 
days, so I run this spark job in a loop. I notice after couple executions the 
memory is increasing on all worker nodes and eventually this leads to 
faillures. My job does some caching, but I understand that when the job ends 
successfully, then the sparkcontext is destroyed and the cache should be 
cleared. However it seems that something keeps on filling the memory a bit more 
and more after each run. THis is the memory behaviour over time, which in the 
end will start leading to failures :

(what we see is: green=physical memory used, green-blue=physical memory cached, 
grey=memory capacity =straight line around 31GB )
This runs on a healthy spark 2.4 and was optimized already to come to a stable 
job in terms of spark-submit resources parameters like 
Any clue how to “really” clear the memory in between jobs? So basically 
currently I can loop 10x and then need to restart my cluster so all memory is 
cleared completely.

Thanks for any info!

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