Hi team,

With your help last week I was able to adapt a project I'm developing and apply 
a sentiment analysis and NER retrieval to streaming tweets. One of the next 
steps in order to ensure that memory doesn't collapse is applying windows and 
watermarks to discard tweets after some time. However, when checking the metric 
''Aggregated Number Of Rows Dropped By Watermark'' from SparkUI it's always 0.

This is the updated code I use to apply the Sentiment and NER prediction and to 
add the timestamp value:

sentPipeline = PretrainedPipeline('analyze_sentiment')

nerPipeline = PretrainedPipeline('recognize_entities_dl')

sentPred = sentPipeline.transform(tweets)

nerPred = nerPipeline.transform(sentPred)

tsCol = nerPred.withColumn('timestamp', current_timestamp())

After applying some transformations I generate two columns with the entity 
(entLab) and its sentiment (sentNum) and apply the watermark before doing the 

finalDF = resultDF.withWatermark("timestamp", "10 minutes").\

      groupBy("entLab", window("timestamp", "5 minutes", "2 minutes")).\

      agg(avg("sentNum").alias("avgSent"), count("sentNum").alias("countEnt")).\

      select("entLab", "avgSent", "countEnt")

query = finalDF.writeStream.queryName('treemapResult').\


      option("checkpointLocation", "/tmp/checkpoints").start()

Each processBatch generates a plot with the selected values.

When I execute the program it's mostly maintained at 7GB of RAM but increases 
really slowly and as mentioned above when checking SparkUI the number of rows 
dropped is zero. I've tried changing the output to append (since using complete 
would be the opposite of the goal) but the result is very similar.

Is there any problem with the declaration of the watermark? And how could I 
change it to generate a plot after every window is finished? Right now it 
generates around 80-90 seconds instead of the two minutes there are between 
sliding windows.

Thank you in advance!

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