Hi there,

We use something like:

 * Force Spark to initialise the defaultParallelism by executing a dummy 
parallel operation and then return
 * the resulting defaultParallelism.
private int getWorkerCount(SparkContext sparkContext) {
    sparkContext.parallelize(List.of(1, 2, 3, 4)).collect();
    return sparkContext.defaultParallelism();

Its useful for setting certain pool sizes dynamically, such as:

Integer.toString(workerCount * 2));

This  works in our Spark 3.0.1 code; just migrating to 3.2.1 now.


Steve C

On 8 Jun 2022, at 4:28 pm, Poorna Murali 
<poornamur...@gmail.com<mailto:poornamur...@gmail.com>> wrote:


I would like to know if it is possible to  get the count of live master and 
worker spark nodes running in a system.

Please help to clarify the same.


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