Sure, look at any python-based plotting package. does this nicely.
You pull your data via Spark to a pandas DF and do whatever you want.

On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 1:42 PM Joris Billen <>

> Hi,
> I am making a very short demo and would like to make the most rudimentary
> UI (withouth knowing anything about front end) that would show a x/y plot
> of data stored in HIVE (that I typically query with spark) together with a
> histogram (something one would typically created in a jupyter notebook).
> Without being a front-end developer, does something exists to publish
> something on a html page, where the user selects something (for instance
> out of a list a certain date), and then in the browser, the store x/y plot
> based on hive tables and a histogram is returned?
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