When reading in Gzip files, I’ve always read them into a data frame and then 
written out to parquet/delta more or less in their raw form and then used these 
files for my transformations as the workloads are now parallelisable from these 
split files, when reading in Gzips these will be read by the driver so you will 
be limited by the memory in the driver so you may need to have an iterative 
step initially if all your Gzips cannot fit into memory in the driver (this may 
require some experimentation)

If you don’t want to have an intermediate step of writing the files you can use 

Hope this helps 

> On 19/09/2022, at 9:45 PM, Sid <flinkbyhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Cool. Thanks, everyone for the reply.
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 9:50 PM Enrico Minack <i...@enrico.minack.dev 
> <mailto:i...@enrico.minack.dev>> wrote:
> If with "won't affect the performance" you mean "parquet is splittable though 
> it uses snappy", then yes. Splittable files allow for optimal 
> parallelization, which "won't affect performance".
> Spark writing data will split the data into multiple files already (here 
> parquet files). Even if each file would not be splittable, your data have 
> been split already. Splittable parquet files allow for more granularity (more 
> splitting if your data), in case those files are big.
> Enrico
> Am 14.09.22 um 21:57 schrieb Sid:
>> Okay so you mean to say that parquet compresses the denormalized data using 
>> snappy so it won't affect the performance.
>> Only using snappy will affect the performance
>> Am I correct?
>> On Thu, 15 Sep 2022, 01:08 Amit Joshi, <mailtojoshia...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:mailtojoshia...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Sid,
>> Snappy itself is not splittable. But the format that contains the actual 
>> data like parquet (which are basically divided into row groups) can be 
>> compressed using snappy.
>> This works because blocks(pages of parquet format) inside the parquet can be 
>> independently compressed using snappy.
>> Thanks
>> Amit
>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 8:14 PM Sid <flinkbyhe...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:flinkbyhe...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hello experts,
>> I know that Gzip and snappy files are not splittable i.e data won't be 
>> distributed into multiple blocks rather it would try to load the data in a 
>> single partition/block
>> So, my question is when I write the parquet data via spark it gets stored at 
>> the destination with something like part*.snappy.parquet
>> So, when I read this data will it affect my performance?
>> Please help me if there is any understanding gap.
>> Thanks,
>> Sid

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