Which version are you using? I test it in spark 3.2.1 and sure that dynamic 
pruning works in queries with multi joins.
BTW, could you execute ‘explain extended your sql’?

> 2022年11月10日 02:10,hajyoussef amine <hajyoussef.am...@gmail.com> 写道:
> Hello everyone,
> Let me take the following spark sql example to demonstrate the issue we're 
> having:
> ```
> Select * FROM small_table
>     Inner join big_table on small_table.foreign_key = big_table.partition_key
>     Inner join bigger_table on big_table.foreign_key = 
> bigger_table.partition_key
>   where small_date.date="2022-01-01"
> ```
> The efficient execution plan in the case above is to load the small table 
> filtered by date(resulting in a few rows), use it to partition prune the 
> big_table so only relevant partitions are loaded, then join the two tables 
> together, and use the join result to partition prune the bigger table.
> I can't find a way to easily implement the strategy above in spark. Dynamic 
> partition pruning seems to support only one level of depth, so the big_table 
> is partition pruned, but the bigger table is always fully loaded.
> Spark tries to parallelize things so it loads all the tables in parallel. 
> Interestingly, however, that is not the ideal approach in this case. I'm not 
> sure if spark has a mechanism to cancel pending tasks and adaptively change 
> physical execution strategy as new information comes in(in this for example, 
> spark ideally cancels loading the bigger_table, after the small_table 
> big_table join result is available and a small amount of rows are returned. 
> spark can use the resulting rows to partition prune the bigger table assuming 
> partition keys are in the join condition)
> The only way I found to implement the strategy is to break the computation in 
> two steps, persist the first join result into disk, and then load it and use 
> it to partition and prune the bigger table. The code will be something like 
> this:
> ```
> spark.sql("""
> Select * FROM small_table
>     Inner join big_table on small_table.foreign_key = big_table.partition_key
>     where small_date.date="2022-01-01"
> """).write.format("parquet").mode("overwrite").save("path/to/test.parquet")
> spark.read.format("parquet").load("path/to/test.parquet").createOrReplaceTempView("step1")
> spark.sql("""
> Select * FROM step_1
>     Inner join bigger_table on step_1.foreign_key = bigger_table.partition_key
>     where step_1.date="2022-01-01"
> """).collect()
> ```
> I could not get `persist` to trigger computation for some reason(even after 
> running `count` on it), that's why I had to save it into a parquet, and then 
> reload it.
> The issue with the code above apart from having to save it in disk is that it 
> requires manual rewriting queries which is not convenient especially for 
> queries with multiple joins. 
> I'm looking for some insights on how to efficiently execute the query above 
> without having to fetch full data of the joined tables.

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