Hello folks,

I have a spark app with a custom implementation of
*fs.s3a.s3.client.factory.impl* which is packaged into the same jar.
Output of *jar tf*

*2620 Mon Dec 12 11:23:00 IST 2022 aws/utils/MyS3ClientFactory.class*

However when I run the my spark app with spark-submit in cluster mode, it
fails with the following error:

*java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class aws.utils.MyS3ClientFactory not

I tried:
1. passing in the jar to the *--jars* option (with the local path)
2. Passing in the jar to *spark.yarn.jars* option with an HDFS path

but still the same error.

Any suggestions on what I'm missing?

Other pertinent details:
Spark version: 3.3.0
Hadoop version: 3.3.4

Command used to run the app
*/spark/bin/spark-submit --class MyMainClass --deploy-mode cluster --master
yarn  --conf spark.executor.instances=6   /path/to/my/jar*


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