
I believe there is a feature in Spark specifically for this purpose. You
can create a new spark session and set those configs.
Note that it's not the same as creating a separate driver processes with
separate sessions, here you will still have the same SparkContext that
works as a backend for both or more spark sessions and does all the heavy



Hope this helps

On Wed, 4 Jan 2023, 00:25 Felipe Pessoto, <felipepess...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> In Scala is it possible to set a config value to a single query?
> I could set/unset the value, but it won’t work for multithreading
> scenarios.
> Example:
> spark.sql.adaptive.coalescePartitions.enabled = false
>                 queryA_df.collect
> spark.sql.adaptive.coalescePartitions.enabled=original value
>                 queryB_df.collect
>                 queryC_df.collect
>                 queryD_df.collect
> If I execute that block of code multiple times using multiple thread, I
> can end up executing Query A with coalescePartitions.enabled=true, and
> Queries B, C and D with the config set to false, because another thread
> could set it between the executions.
> Is there any good alternative to this?
> Thanks.

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