(cross-posting from the HBase user list as I didn't receive a reply there)


I'm completely new to Spark and evaluating setting up a cluster either in YARN 
or standalone. Our idea for the general workflow is create a concatenated 
dataframe using historical pickle/parquet files (whichever is faster) and 
current data stored in HBase. I'm aware of the benefit of short circuit reads 
if the historical files are stored in HDFS but I'm more concerned about 
resource contention between Spark and HBase during data loading. My question 
is, would running Spark on the same nodes provide a benefit when using 
(https://github.com/apache/hbase-connectors/tree/master/spark)? Is there a 
mechanism in the connector to "pass through" a short circuit read to Spark, or 
would data always bounce from HDFS -> RegionServer -> Spark?

Thanks in advance,

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