
I am trying to publish custom metrics using Spark CustomMetric API as
supported since spark 3.2 https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/31476,


I have created a custom metric implementing `CustomMetic` with default
constructor overriding name and description.
Created a new instance of the created custom metric in the
`supportedCustomMetrics` method of  `spark.sql.connector.read.Scan`.

Created a custom task metric implementing `CustomTaskMetric` with the same
name as that of CustomMetric class and initialized this in
`currentMetricsValues` of PartitionReader.

I have static values as of now but when I run the application, I see in the
spark history page the corresponding value to the metric as N/A.
I have added logs in the `aggregateTaskMetrics` and my flow is going into
it. The spark SQLAppStatusListener.aggregateMetrics is loading my class and
calling the `aggregateTaskMetrics` yet I still see N/A in the spark ui page.

Also, I do see the metrics in the spark events log.

Driver log:


23/06/23 19:23:53 INFO Spark32CustomMetric: Spark32CustomMetric in
aggregateTaskMetrics start
23/06/23 19:23:53 INFO Spark32CustomMetric: Spark32CustomMetric in
aggregateTaskMetrics sum:1234 end
|     word|word_count| corpus|corpus_date|
|     LVII|         1|sonnets|          0|
|   augurs|         1|sonnets|          0|
|   dimm'd|         1|sonnets|          0|```

Attaching the Spark UI page screenshot.

Am I missing something? Any help is really appreciated.

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