In your UI, on the topology's page, scroll to the bottom, click, "show
system stats".

Now, every bolt is shown.  List out everything you have.  Whose numbers are

Thank you for your time!

Jeff Maass <>

On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 1:35 PM, nitin sharma <>

> Hi All,
> I am looking at STORM UI to analyze the performance of my trident
> topology..
> what i have found strange is that the count under"emitted" & "transferred"
> column under "Topology Stats" table keeps on increasing...  To my surprise,
> i had kept zero messages in my Kafka brokers(source for spout) but still
> can see Emitted counter ramping up..
> is this common scenario?
> Regards,
> Nitin Kumar Sharma.

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