On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 7:40 AM André Lemos <ale...@plux.info> wrote:

> Hi,
> When parsing through a TBinaryProtocol, trying to get the readMessageBegin,
> readI32, returns 16777216, which will raise an EOFError, because it's just
> a too big of a value. If I use something like 25, I do get something pretty
> closer to what I am trying to get, although I still get the initial bit of
> the protocol, and not just the name I am trying to get.
> Any hints as to where I should be looking?

Providing the language of the lib you’re using, the code, and the message
you expect to be on the wire would make it easier for someone to help you.

> Ps.: sorry for the cross-post, but feedback seems to be a little slim on
> the user@ side of things
> Thank you,
> André
Kevin Clark

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